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Genetic toxicology studies

For more than 30 years, we’ve worked with a wide range of industries to successfully assess the potential for genetic damage or identify genotoxic impurities in compounds.
  • More than 100 scientists offer genetic tox services from our global centers of excellence

  • State-of-the-art GLP study designs based on the most up-to-date guidelines

  • Broad experience with many non-standard investigative assays

Genetic toxicology assays

Regulatory assays

Review common regulatory assays required for GLP studies. 

Screening assays

Take a faster approach and explore common screening assays that can help predict GLP-compliant studies. 

Multi-endpoint assays

Contact us to explore multi-end point studies such as the integration of micronucleus assessments into repeat dose toxicity studies; the transgenic rodent mutation assay; or the combination of acute micronucleus and comet assay. 

Why partner with Labcorp for your genetic toxicology studies

Reach your destination

Evaluating the genetic toxicity of a drug or chemical is a journey. Make smarter decisions faster with unique perspectives that save you time and resources. Our team helps you navigate the draft ICH M7 and new OECD guidelines. We deliver solutions such as centromere probing of micronuclei, 3D skin models, as well as in vivo comet and transgenic Muta™Mouse assays. These unique solutions enable us to help you gain genetic insights about your molecule that most other CROs can’t help you obtain.

Experience global solutions customized to your needs

Did you know that you can get our globally recognized genetic toxicology services from any of our world-class facilities? We have purpose-built genetic toxicology centers of excellence in Greenfield, IN, Harrogate, UK and Porcheville, France. You partner with a team of more than 100 genetic toxicology specialists, including many study directors with more than 20 years of experience in the field. Working with you, we create a clearer picture of any potential genotoxic risk.

Consider some of our standard battery of tests that meet ICH or OECD requirements:

In vitro assays

  • Ames, mammalian gene mutation (mouse lymphoma assay)
  • Chromosome aberration (human lymphocytes and CHO cells)
  • Micronucleus (human lymphocytes and cell lines)

In vivo assays

  • Rodent bone marrow micronucleus and chromosome aberrations
  • Comet and combination (micronucleus and Comet)

Discover uncommon assays for uncommon insights

We specialize in non-standard assays too — enabling you to better understand issues that arise during the discovery or development phases. These investigative assays give you a quick way to address and resolve issues with lead candidates as you move through the development journey.

Gain an experienced team to help you assess genetic risk

Whether you need assays to meet regulatory requirements, affordable screening studies or highly efficient multi-endpoint assays, you partner with a large and diverse team of toxicologists who specialize in assessing genetic risk.


Leading the way with new study options rooted in the 3Rs

The world’s demand for safe products is growing, and the demand for innovation in genetic toxicology and in vitro models is growing along with it. This is why we have expanded our genetic toxicology facilities by 30 percent, including new in vitro alternatives. Explore all of your genetic toxicology study options.


Transforming our services in early development

We’ve invested more than $700 million in scientific innovations to advance your nonclinical studies. With our expanded lab space, newest technologies and digitized back offices, the solutions we provide are more innovative than ever.

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